Early Elementary Groups

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At SociAbility, we're thrilled to offer Early Elementary Groups for boys and girls between kindergarten and fourth grade who face challenges with social skills challenges. Our program is designed to support children on the Autism Spectrum, those with ADHD, and those experiencing social anxiety. Our highly effective and comprehensive approach aims to impact your child's social and emotional well-being positively.

The Foundation: Michelle Garcia Winner's Social Thinking Curriculum®

Our weekly hour-long sessions with younger children are built upon the solid foundation of Michelle Garcia Winner's Social Thinking Curriculum®. This renowned curriculum focuses on structured social play and communication activities to help children understand social interaction's 'hidden curriculum.' By utilizing this evidence-based approach, we aim to foster your child's social skills development in a fun, engaging, and effective manner.

Building Blocks of Social Cognition

Our captivating and interactive sessions are designed to help children acquire critical skills as the cornerstone of social cognition. These fundamental abilities are paramount for children to understand and respond to various social situations and interactions effectively.

Becoming Part of a Group and Collaborating Efficiently

One of the primary skills children learn in our program is integrating into a group and working seamlessly with others. This ability is essential for children to develop healthy relationships, participate in group activities, and collaborate on projects or tasks. By mastering this skill, children can enhance their teamwork capabilities, which will undoubtedly benefit their lives.

Developing a Social Memory of Peers

Another crucial aspect of social cognition is the development of the social memory of peers. This skill enables children to remember their peers' preferences, interests, and relevant information, which in turn helps them build stronger connections and friendships. A well-developed social memory also aids children in understanding social cues and responding appropriately to the needs and feelings of others.

Initiating and Sustaining Engaging Conversations

Initiating and maintaining engaging back-and-forth conversations is vital to social cognition. In our interactive sessions, children learn the nuances of starting conversations, asking relevant questions, and actively listening to their peers' responses. Furthermore, they know how to contribute constructively to discussions, respectfully express their thoughts and opinions, and adapt their communication style based on the situation and audience.

By acquiring these essential conversation skills, children can establish rapport with others, demonstrate empathy, and foster meaningful relationships.

Contact SociAbility Today to learn how we can help your child gain the social confidence they need to succeed! 

The Impact of Mastering Social Cognition Skills

Children can significantly enhance their ability to comprehend and navigate the intricacies of social situations and interactions by learning and refining the foundational skills mentioned above. As they become more adept at understanding social cues, collaborating with others, and maintaining engaging conversations, their confidence will grow, and they will be better equipped to form lasting friendships and connections.

Our program's primary goal is to empower children with the tools they need to thrive in various social environments, ultimately leading to improved emotional well-being and a fulfilling life.

Exploring Abstract Concepts

In our Early Elementary Groups, we strive to deepen children's understanding of social dynamics by introducing and elaborating on abstract concepts essential for effective communication and empathy. Our approach involves providing explicit guidance and ample practice opportunities, enabling children to grasp and apply these advanced concepts in real-life situations.

"Thinking with our eyes"

"Thinking with our eyes" is a concept that encourages children to pay attention to non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, and gestures. By observing and interpreting these subtle signals, children can better understand the emotions and intentions of others, allowing them to respond more appropriately in social situations.

"Taking the perspective of others"

Developing the ability to "take the perspective of others" is crucial for building empathy and fostering positive relationships. This skill involves understanding and appreciating other people's feelings, thoughts, and viewpoints, even when they differ from one's own. Through guided practice, children learn to put themselves in someone else's shoes, enabling them to exhibit compassion and respond considerately to the needs and emotions of others.

"Following the group plan"

"following the group plan" teaches children the importance of flexibility and adaptability in group settings. This skill involves recognizing and adhering to the collective goals, expectations, and norms while participating in social activities. By learning to align their actions with the group's objectives, children can contribute positively to the group's overall success and maintain harmonious relationships with their peers.

Enhancing Empathy and Connection through Advanced Concepts

Our Early Elementary Groups empower children to develop a deeper understanding of social dynamics by delving into these abstract concepts and providing ample practice opportunities. As they gain proficiency in "thinking with their eyes," "taking the perspective of others," and "following the group plan," children enhance their ability to empathize, connect, and engage effectively with others in various social contexts. This advanced focus boosts their social skills and fosters emotional well-being and personal growth.

Parental Involvement and Feedback

We believe that parental involvement plays a crucial role in the success of our program. To ensure that the Social Thinking® concepts are generalized across different environments, we provide weekly feedback to parents at the end of each group session. This feedback includes a review of the concepts taught during the session and suggestions on how to reinforce these ideas at home and in other settings.

Our Commitment to Your Child's Success

At SociAbility, we are dedicated to helping your child develop the necessary social skills to thrive in various social situations. Our team of experienced therapists is committed to creating a safe, supportive, and engaging environment where children can learn and grow.

Tailored Programs for Each Child

Understanding that every child is unique, we work closely with parents to find the most suitable group for their child. We consider age, developmental level, and individual needs to achieve this, ensuring each child receives the required support.

Professional and Compassionate Team

Our team of therapists is highly skilled and deeply understands the challenges faced by children with social cognitive issues. Their compassionate approach ensures your child feels comfortable and supported throughout their journey with us.

A Community of Support

Participating in our Early Elementary Groups makes your child part of a supportive community of peers who share similar experiences. This sense of belonging fosters an environment where children can build lasting friendships and develop essential social skills.

Get Started Today!

Your child's journey toward improved social cognition and emotional well-being starts here. Contact us today to find the perfect group for your child and to learn more about our Early Elementary Groups. Together, we can help your child develop the skills they need to confidently navigate the world of social interactions and lead a fulfilling life.

Reach out to SociAbility to take the first step in this transformative journey!

Nestled in the accessible locale of Northbrook, IL, we extend our services to Chicagoland and the North Shore region. Our group therapy sessions are organized into three trimesters during the year, factoring in breaks for holiday festivities, Spring Break, and Thanksgiving. Feel free to connect with us for more information.

For further details on registration and any general inquiries about our group therapy services, contact staff@sociabilitychicago.org or (847) 559-3240.